701912 Active Probe 7V / 1.0 GHz (DISCONTINUED)

Notice: This product was discontinued on Dec 6, 2017. See this replacement product:

Use this 10:1 active probe with the DLM2000,  DLM4000,  DL6104,  DLM6104, DL9140/DL9140L , DL9510L/DL9710L, SB5000 series to realize system measurements up to 1.0 GHz BW.
Bandwidth: DC to 1.5 GHz (-3 dB)

Attenuation: 10:1 (±2%)
Input resistance: 100 kΩ (±2%)
Input capacitance: approx 0.9 pF (typ.)
Dynamic range: ±7 V
Max. input voltage: ±25 V DC + AC peak
Offset voltage: ±10 V

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