The TC110 and TC120 are multifunctional universal counters equipped with a GP-IB as standard. These models are fully GP-IB programmable and allow you to control all your panel setting via the GP-IB so you can use these counters in an automated measurement system. With the internal memory that stores up to 1024 data items, you can sample and output data at high speeds with the GP-IB commands. You can also measure a variety of waveform parameters, such as the duty factor and peak voltages, as well as time parameters including frequencies, time intervals and totalizations, all with one counter. Other features include the digit-masking, scaling, D/A output and handler interface functions.
The TC100 Series have an internal memory which allows you to sample and store up to 1024 pieces of data using GP-IB commands. The TC100 Series can achieve a fast sampling rate since the display is not updated when storing measured data into the memory. The stored data can be transferred over GP-IB bus with a "time stamp" so you can see how your data vary with each measurement.
With the TC100 Series, you can measure peak voltages as well as time parameters. You have two simultaneous 3 digit displays of the high and low peak-voltage levels. These peak voltages can be used as benchmarks for voltage-based GO/NO-GO judgments in inspection lines.
When you are setting the trigger level manually, you can change its setpoint while still continuing measurements. In addition, you can confirm the trigger level digitally on the display. Setting is easy. Use the SETTING key to set the trigger level in 20-mV increments (when ATT = x1).
You can mask the least significant digits as necessary. Masking them allows the measured value to appear only to the degree of accuracy you require (only in the number of digits you require). Use this function when the input signal is unstable or the insignificant digits fluctuate plus or minus one digit in counting a number, due to error. This function is extremely useful when using the counter as a monitor in the field or on a production line.
The TC100 Series computes the algebraic formula (aX + b) for every measured value X, except for those of peak voltage measurements, where a is the scale factor (scale value), and b is the offset; the constants a and b can be set at the user's discretion. The resulting computation appears on the LED display. One or two different settings of the formula can be saved in the internal memory and retained even after the power is turned off. This function is especially useful when converting to other physical quantities or when measuring a deviation from the reference value.
Gate signal input on Channel B
You can use the input signal on Channel B as an external gate signal for frequency and totalization measurements. In this way, you can set an arbitrary timing to start measurement or you can change the resolution.
The hold-off function allows you to set a length of time in which signals carrying chatter from relays or systematic noise will be disregarded. The counter then ignores the input signal for that duration, making your measurements free from noise.
You can equip your counter with the optional D/A output. This function converts and outputs in analog form measured data such as frequency, period, time interval, duty factor, pulse width, and frequency ratio. You can thus use the TC100 Series as an F/V converter. Connecting the TC100 Series to a recorder enables you to visually check the change in each measured value so you can also use it as a counter that can record data.
Overview of specifications of D/A output function | |
Output voltage range |
0 to +10 V (full scale), 15 bits D/A |
Range setting | Setting in 6 digits of the maximum and minimum values of the D-to-A converted span |
Response Time | 4 ms or greater |
Output Terminal | BNC |
You can equip your counter with the optional handler interface. This function partitions the span of measured data, such as frequency, period, time interval, duty factor, pulse width, or frequency ratio into a maximum of five segments. Thus, the interface automatically identifies to which segment the measured data belong, and outputs the appropriate BIN signal from the rear connector.
The TC100 Series makes it possible for you to carry out automatic GO/NO-GO selection of products in a production line without the use of a controller.
Overview of handler interface function specifications | |
Input/Output Signal Type |
Optically isolated open-collector input/output |
Output of Judgment Signal |
Partitions the measured values into a maximum of five segments for use as judgment criteria |
Handshake signal | /EXT_TRIG: Start-of-measurement signal (input) /EOM: End-of-measurement signal (output) |
Connector type | 9-pin D sub |