Power Viewer for PZ4000 (DISCONTINUED)

Notice: This product was discontinued on See this replacement product:
  • Math operations of up to 4 megawords per channel
  • 16 Math operations
  • Math operations and X-Y display possible on any 2 channels from any two PZ4000s
  • Trend display of computed values
  • Save downloaded data to a file and load previously saved files Save downloaded data in CSV format (excluding trend data), as well as in BMP format
  • Read floppy disks containing waveform data (in binary format) saved previously on the PZ4000
  • Control up to four PZ4000s via communications (GPIB only)

Jas6 Tm Powerviewer 03

  • Waveform and Measured Value Display
    Captured waveforms and measured values can be displayed. You can display any data that you need, zoom in on a particular portion, and draw an X-Y display for desired parameters.
  • Mathematical Calculation Functions
    You can set up to 16 calculations (Math1 to Math16) for the captured waveform data using the same numerical computation functions as provided with the PZ4000. Even with data record lengths of 4 megawords per channel, Power Viewer can display waveforms of calculated values.
  • Dialog Box for Settings for Math1 to Math16
  • Trend Display of Measured Values
    The measured values can be displayed as trend graphs, allowing you to check chronological changes of various parameters.
  • Dialog Box for Trend Graph Settings
    Set the data items to be monitored, such as voltage, current, and power for up to 8 trend traces.
  • X-Y Display
    You can view an X-Y display by selecting one parameter from measured-data channels 1 to 8 and calculated-value channels Math1 to Math16, for the X-axis trace.

Setting up the PZ4000
With Power Viewer, you can enter settings on all connected PZ4000s individually from a personal computer, including the ranges, filters, record lengths, observation times, and trigger conditions.

  • Dialog Box for Setting Input Ranges
  • Dialog Box for Setting Record Length and Time Axis

Measured waveform data and calculated values can be saved to any drive of the computer as waveform (.wvf) files or measured-value (.fld) files that can be opened again in Power Viewer. Data can also be saved as .csv files for manipulation using spreadsheet software such as Microsoft Excel. In addition, the screen image of measured waveform data can be saved as a .bmp file.

  • Saving Waveform Data as a .wvf or .csv File


System Requirements

Personal Computer

Celeron*1 433 MHz or higher is recommended

128 MB or greater is recommended for driving up to 2 PZ4000s*2
256 MB or greater is recommended for driving up to 4 PZ4000s

4 MB or greater

Hard disk
Free space of at least 1 GB

Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT, Windows 2000 Professional, Windows XP (all English Versions)

Communications port
RS-232: A COM port of the computer must be available
GP-IB: AT-GPIB/TNT (PnP) board, with driver NI-488.2M version 1.60 or later, from National Instruments

ROM version 2.02 or later*4

*1 Celeron is a trademark of Intel in the United States.
*2 Some functions are not available with 128 MB memory or less.
*3 Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
*4 The earlier firmware version of PZ4000 models needs to be upgraded.

General Specifications

Measurement Modes Normal Measured-Value Monitor, Waveform Analysis
Display Windows T-Y Display, Zoom, X-Y Display, Trend Graph, Waveforms of Calculated Values
Saving/Opening Data Files Waveforms and Numerical Values can be saved and opened
Number of Waveforms Displayed Up to 8 waveforms per PZ4000
Up to 32 waveforms with a maximum of four PZ4000s and 16 waveforms of mathematical calculation channels
Each waveform can be displayed and erased as desired.
Saving Image Files The screen shot of a waveform display window can be saved as a .bmp file
Settings for the PZ4000 Input, ACQ, Trigger, Measure, Display, MATH, Cursor, Zoom, File, Print, Others
Mathematical Calculation Functions Include addition, subtraction,multiplication, division, ABS, SQR, SQRT, LOG, LOG10, EXP,DIF, TINTEG, TREND, and others

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