Notice: This product was discontinued on

Current cannot be measured directly by analog to digital converters, as they only measure voltage. Therefore, a resistor in the path of the adc is needed to convert the current to a measurable quantity. High precision resistors, or electrical shunts, are employed so that current is accurately and faithfully reproduced by the measuring circuitry. 

Model Description
2215 01 1A, 50 mV, +/-0.2%
2215 02 1.5A  
2215 03 2A  
2215 04 3A  
2215 05 5A  
2215 06 7.5A  
2215 07 10A, 50 mV, +/-0.2%
2215 08 15A, 50 mV, ± 0.2%
2215 09 20A, 50 mV, ± 0.2%
2215 10 30A, 50 mV, ± 0.2%
2215 12 75A, 50 mV, ± 0.2%
2215 11 50A, 50 mV, ± 0.2%
2215 13 100A, 50 mV, ± 0.2%
2215 14 150A, 50 mV, ± 0.2%
2215 15 200A, 50 mV, ± 0.2%
2215 16 300A, 50 mV, ± 0.2%
2216 01 500A, 50 mV, ± 0.2%
2216 02 750A, 50 mV, ± 0.2%
2216 03 1000A, 50 mV, ± 0.2%
2217 01 1500A, 50 mV, ± 0.2%
2217 02 2000A, 50 mV, ± 0.2%
2217 03 3000A, 50 mV, ± 0.2%
2217 04 5000A, 50 mV, ± 0.2%

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Precision Making
