The 19th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE’17 ECCE Europe , exhibition and conference, was held at the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw between 11th and 14th of September. As a popular congregation for power electronics specialists: system designers, users and application engineers, EPE 2017 attracted over 900 visitors including 639 university delegates and 274 participants from industry.
Featuring 32 lectures, 40 dialogue sessions, 4 keynotes and 3 industry forums, the exhibition showcased some of the latest developments in power systems and semiconductors, electrical technologies, transmission and distribution, power electronics, renewable energy, sensors, power quality, energy management and measurement technology relevant to a wide range of industries.
Yokogawa was among the 41exhibitors at the event showcasing its pure play and hybrid capabilities in power measurement, signal analysis, and data acquisition. Product Marketing Manager Anoop Gangadharan presented a session on key considerations for measurement accuracies detailing the effects phase shift uncertainty, choice of measurement range, period detection, wiring, sensors and other measurement conditions.
“It was interesting to learn from visitors to our booth that accuracy and precision of power measurements remain key concerns not only in industry but also in scientific research. ”says Michael Rietvelt – Product specialist at Yokogawa Europe. “Engineers are demanding greater accuracy and repeatability from their measurements to maximize efficiency and performance. This becomes particularly important when compliance with International standards is involved. “
This is why Yokogawa’s ISO17025 accredited calibration laboratory in Amersfoort Netherlands ensures the highest degree of precision and accuracy in its instruments to give customers confidence in their test results. ”
If you missed us at the event don’t forget to sign up for the webinar on 10 considerations for accurate power measurements.
Yokogawa data acquisition systems give you the most flexibility and power to measure, display, store, and even actuate any number of physical or electrical phenomena.
Yokogawa, the world's largest manufacturer of energy and power analyzers and meters, provides a broad choice of digital power analyzers to satisfy all requirements.