Requirements and Easy Solutions for Standby Power Measurements

The world is absolutely dependent on electric power.  Developments in electrification and computerisation have increased this dependency and thus the conservation of energy has become a focus globally.  As part of the drive to improve energy efficiency, a new phenomenon called “standby power” is coming to everyone’s attention. Standby power is the energy consumed by appliances when they are not performing their main function. The standardization committees have been actively preparing standards for the measurement and reduction of “standby” and “off” mode power.  They have recently released the latest editions of their standards which have similar complex and stringent measurement criteria.

Yokogawa’s new Power Consumption Measurement Software, together with its market-leading power analysers has ntroduced a solution enabling users to easily test according to these standards .  The software provides a user-friendly interface, measurement of power data, as defined in the standards, data saving, and report generation. Tests according to the standards using the complex algorithms are performed simply and automatically.

In this 30-minute webinar, Hafeez Najumudeen, Product Marketing Manager for Power Analysers and Meters in Yokogawa Europe, introduces and explains the standby power market, standards and everything Yokogawa offers.

Dates: g 31, 2012 - jl 12, 2013

Precision Making
