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Please contact the following Yokogawa company for support in your area:
Grokholskiy per 13
Building 2, 4th Floor
129090, Moscow
Phone: (7)-495-737-7868
Fax: (7)-495-737-7869
Ogorodniy passage, 20, bldg. 27, office 411
Moscow, Russia
Phone: (7) 495-956-7687
Fax: (7) 495-956-7687
Email: info@4comt.ru
Yokogawa Electric Sakhalin Ltd.
Michinoku Sakhalin Building, Lenina St.
69300, Yuzuho-Sakhalinsk
Phone: (7)-4242-49-8448
Fax: (7)-4242-49-8447