Are the Standard Operating Conditions for the DL850 Equivalent to the Compensated Temperature Range?

No, the Standard Operating Conditions are not equivalent to the compensated temperature range. The unit's accuracy specifications are valid when operated within the Standard Operating Conditions and when the temperature of the unit does not change. The temperature coefficient needs to be applied when the temperature of the unit changes even if the temperature is in the Standard Operating Conditions.

Produtos e Soluções Relacionadas

Data Acquisition (DAQ)

Yokogawa data acquisition systems give you the most flexibility and power to measure, display, store, and even actuate any number of physical or electrical phenomena.

High Speed Data Acquisition

  • Yokogawa high-speed data acquisition systems
  • Industry-leading isolation, bit resolution, sampling rate, and memory depth
  • Independent channel hardware and easy to use software


  • Digital oscilloscopes
  • High-speed sampling
  • Range of bandwidths for electronic device design and development
  • Advantages of oscilloscope and multi-channel data recorder


  • Flexible, high-performance Yokogawa ScopeCorder
  • Modular platform combines mixed signal oscilloscope and portable data acquisition recorder 
  • Captures high-speed transients and low-speed trends 


Precision Making
