Os testadores de Ethernet portáteis são amplamente utilizados para testar o desempenho, a função e a qualidade dos sistemas de rede Ethernet e IP, gerando e validando padrões de tráfego.
A Yokogawa oferece soluções comprovadas para seus requisitos de teste de rede de informação, comunicações e infraestrutura de rede. Se você está interessado em qualidade de serviço, análise de transporte, geração de tráfego ou teste de caminho de rede, essas unidades oferecem confiabilidade, flexibilidade e recursos para os sinais elétricos 10 / 100M e os sinais óticos 1G / 10G.
The 40-Gbit/s transport networks that will meet the communication demand of Next-Generation Networks (NGN) are starting to be deployed commercially. To meet the increasing measurement needs of the 40-Gbit/s networks and transmission equipment, we have developed the NX4000 Transport Analyzer. This can accurately and efficiently measure the transmission quality and characteristics of the networks, transmission equipment corresponding to 40-Gbit/s Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH), Synchronous Optical NETwork (SONET), and Optical Transport Network (OTN). This paper describes the various measurement applications of the NX4000 Transport Analyzer.
DAIRI Kenji*1 SHIDA Hideo*1 TSUTSUMI Seiichi*1 TAKAHASHI Kenji*1
*1Communications and Measurement Business Headquarters, Optical Communication Measurement Development Department
After a disastrous 2009, the large publicly held test companies enjoyed booming business in 2010.
No, unfortunately due to the number of current fiber combinations, we do not stock optical fibers. There are many companies that specialize in optical fiber cords.
From visible light to telecommunication bands and even up to applications in the 2000nm region, optical testing professionals count on the Yokogawa Test&Measurement optical testing family of products. For decades, these precision-based optical measuring instruments have met and exceeded the needs of many customers’ experimental requirements. Applicable to a range of uses in R&D, manufacturing, and academia, Yokogawa Test&Measurement OSAs, OTDRs, OWMs, modular manufacturing test systems, and more deliver quality, consistency, ease of use, and market leadership for all manner of optical test applications.