701255 Analog Voltage Input Module

High-Speed 10 MS/s 12-Bit non-isolation Module (2 ch)
Non-Isolation version of model 720250
Applicable to DL350, DL850 series, DL950 and SL1000.


DL950 ScopeCorder

The Yokogawa DL950 ScopeCorder captures and analyzes a wide variety of electrical, physical sensor signals, and serial buses. It offers a unique combination of high sampling rates, for a detailed view and long recording times to monitor trends over time.

DL350 Portable ScopeCorder

A compact, battery-powered, touch screen instrument you can take into the field featuring the deep measurement and recording capabilities you need in the lab.

DL850E/DL850EV ScopeCorder

An all-in-one electromechanical measurement system offering the deepest measurement and analysis features to turn data into insights.

DL850/DL850V ScopeCorder

Combining the capabilities of an Oscilloscope and the characteristics of a Data Acquisition Recorder, the Yokogawa Scopecorder is a versatile tool for engineers making measurements in the industrial, transportation and energy sectors.

SL1000 High Channel Count ScopeCorder

A headless ScopeCorder system capable of connecting multiple chassis into one PC-based system.


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