How do I Create DL1600 Digital Oscilloscope Timestamp Data for CSV Format Data Files?

The DL1600 digital oscilloscope will not save timestamp data into a column like some of the newer scopes (DL850 and DLM2000). There are two methods for adding timestamp data to the DL1600 listed below:
Please use caution when dealing with CSV files and Excel. If you open the CSV file in Excel, Excel will round your data and cause you to lose high resolution timestamps. You will need to open the file in Notepad to view the high resolution timestamps. Save a backup copy of the original file if you wish to edit the data and save it using Excel. Make sure you DO NOT save over the original copy when using Excel.
Manual Entry:
Open the CSV file in Excel and manually enter the timestamp data. Insert a time column and use the sample-interval added to each subsequent cell as you work down the spreadsheet with Excel's Fill-Down command.
Xviewer Method: 
  1. Save the waveform data as Binary type in the DL1600 (This results in two files, the *.WVF and *.HDR file pair)
  2. Transfer the two files to the same destination on your PC
  3. Create a backup copy of both files in a safe place
  4. Open the *.WVF and *.HDR file pair with Xviewer
  5. Click on File  » Save As in the Xviewer window
  6. Click on the Save as type: drop down menu and select ASCII file (*.csv)
  7. Click on More Options at the bottom right corner
  8. Tick the Time Axis Information  box
  9. Select either Relative or Absolute Time
    (Excel may damage Absolute Time formatting but you can reformat it)
  10. Enter the File name and verify the save destination and configurations
  11. Click on Save

Please view the attached diagram for a screenshot of the Xviewer save setup. A sample CSV file with the resulting output has been attached as well.

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