How Many Math Channels are Available on the DL/DLM6000 Digital Oscilloscope?

Yokogawa DL/DLM6000 Digital Oscilloscope Math Channels

The DL/DLM6000 Digital Oscilloscope series supports up to 4 Math Channels, which can be accessed by pressing one of the M1-M4 buttons.

Produtos e Soluções Relacionadas

DLM6000 MSO & DSO Series

500MHz, 1.0GHz, and 1.5GHz DSO and MSO models for debug, waveform characterization, bench top, or automated test applications. 4 channel models with 16 or 32 logic inputs. 12th generation oscilloscope with ergonomic physical and on-screen improvements.

Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes

  • Yokogawa mixed signal oscilloscopes
  • Simultaneous, time correlated observations
  • Analysis of analog with digital (logic) signals
  • Troubleshooting electrical anomalies, measuring parametric values, monitoring signals


  • Digital oscilloscopes
  • High-speed sampling
  • Range of bandwidths for electronic device design and development
  • Advantages of oscilloscope and multi-channel data recorder

Precision Making
