DL850EV ScopeCorder-an introduction

This video will introduce the values and key features of Yokogawa’s DL850EV ScopeCorder.
DL850EV combines a mixed-signal oscilloscope and portable data acquisition recorder into a single platform that can capture both high-speed transient events, and long-run trends.
DL850EV is widely used in the industries of automotive, power electric and mechatronics, etc.

Yokogawa DL850EV Specifications

Instrument Control- Standalone or PC-Based

Analog Channels- Max 32 isolated CH

Sampling Rate- Max 100 MSamples/sec

Vertical Resolution- Max 16 Bits

Input Modules- Voltage, Temp, Strain, Accelerometer, Frequency- Supports 20 modules

CAN/LIN Bus Input

Trigger Functions- Rise/Fall and Enhanced Scope settings on all channels

Internal Record Length- Max 2 Gpts/ch

Real-time Data Streaming- Available to PC, Internal HDD, and External HDD

Real-time Analysis Functions- Real-time math and Power math (/G3, /G5 Option)

What is a ScopeCorder?

ScopeCorders are an integrated measurement, analysis, recording, and data acquisition system for every electromechanical application for R&D, validation, and troubleshooting.

DL850EV ScopeCorder-an introduction

This video will introduce the values and key features of Yokogawa’s DL850EV ScopeCorder. DL850EV combines a mixed-signal oscilloscope and portable data acquisition recorder into a single platform which can capture both high-speed transient events, and long-run trends. DL850EV is widely used in the industries of automotive, power electric and mechatronics, etc.

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