WT1800 Product Overview

This addition to Yokogawa's highly recognized digital power analyzer product line offers innovative measurement functions which benefit the engineer with electrical power measurements. It is the ideal measurement solution for testing Product Efficiency, and the design of Inverters, Motor Drives, Lighting Systems, Uninterruptible Power Supplies, Aircraft Power Systems, Transformer Testing and other power conversion devices.

WT1800 High Performance Power Meter

Experience the Yokogawa WT1800 - http://tmi.yokogawa.com/us/products/digital-power-analyzers/digital-power-analyzers/wt1800-high-performance-power-analyzer/?utm_source=YouTube&utm_medium=social&utm_content=WT1800&utm_campaign=2013%2BSocial%2BMedia%2BRevival Visit us @ Yokogawa Test & Measurement - http://tmi.yokogawa.com/us/?utm_source=YouTube&utm_medium=social&utm_content=Homepage&utm_campaign=2013%2BSocial%2BMedia%2BRevival This new addition to Yokogawa's highly recognized digital power analyzer product line offers innovative measurement functions which benefit the engineer with electrical power measurements. It is the ideal measurement solution for testing Product Efficiency, and the design of Inverters, Motor Drives, Lighting Systems, Uninterruptible Power Supplies, Aircraft Power Systems, Transformer Testing and other power conversion devices.

Produtos e Soluções Relacionadas

WT1800 High Performance Power Analyzer

The WT1800 Power Analyzer offers maximum flexibility with up to six wattmeter elements, high bandwidths, simultaneous high speed digitizing, and wide voltage and current ranges. Although this model is still available, the newer WT1800E offers higher accuracy.

Power Analyzers and Power Meters

Yokogawa, the world's largest manufacturer of energy and power analyzers and meters, provides a broad choice of digital power analyzers to satisfy all requirements.

Precision Making
