WT3000 Precision Power Analyzer

The WT3000 is the ideal measurement solution for applications such as product efficiency testing, engineering, R&D work on inverters, motor drives, lighting systems and electronic ballasts, UPS systems, aircraft power systems, transformer testing and other power conversion devices.

WT3000 Precision Power Analyzer

Experience the Yokogawa WT3000 - http://tmi.yokogawa.com/us/products/digital-power-analyzers/digital-power-analyzers/wt3000-precision-power-analyzer/?utm_source=YouTube&utm_medium=social&utm_content=WT3000&utm_campaign=2013%2BSocial%2BMedia%2BRevival Visit us @ Yokogawa Test & Measurement - http://tmi.yokogawa.com/us/?utm_source=YouTube&utm_medium=social&utm_content=Homepage&utm_campaign=2013%2BSocial%2BMedia%2BRevival The Yokogawa WT3000 is the highest accuracy AC/DC power analyzer in the world, with best-in-class precision and stability. It offers basic power accuracy of ±0.02% of reading, DC and 0.1 Hz-1 MHz measurement bandwidths, and one to four input elements. The WT3000 is ideal for testing product efficiency, inverters, motors, drives, lighting, UPS, aircraft power, transformers, batteries, and other power conversion devices. For more information, please visit http://www.yokogawa.com/tm/wtpz/wt3000/tm-wt3000_01.htm

Produtos e Soluções Relacionadas

Precision Power Analyzer WT3000

With 0.02% accuracy and 1MHz bandwidth, the WT3000 delivers where the highest precision measurements are required. It is the industry standard for R&D work on inverters, motor drives, lighting systems and electronic ballasts, UPS systems, aircraft power, transformer testing, and other power conversion devices.

Power Analyzers and Power Meters

Yokogawa, the world's largest manufacturer of energy and power analyzers and meters, provides a broad choice of digital power analyzers to satisfy all requirements.

Precision Making
