96065 Clamp-on probe - Current Clamp Probe

96065 Current clamp-on probe

max. approx. 110 mm
AC 1000 A flexible type load current measurement

96065 Clamp Meter- How It Works

What does an amp-clamp probe do?

To analyze live conductors without interrupting the circuit, amp clamps measure the vector sum of currents flowing through conductors.

Measurement procedures

1. Connect the output connector to the Input terminal of the measuring instrument.

2. Power on the measuring instrument.

3. Disconnect the joint according to the following figure.

4. Clamp onto one conductor under the test. When connecting the sensor with the power meter (CW500 etc.), check the direction of the guide arrow mark indicating the current flowing direction marked on the Joint off the clamp sensor to make the phase of the current under test and output voltage synchronized.

5. Confirm that the Joint on the Clamp sensor is firmly locked.

6. Select any desirable range (300A/ 1000A/ 3000A) with the RANGE button. When powering off the instrument once and powering on again, the range will be the one selected before powering off the instrument.

Instruction Manuals

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