Yokogawa Test & Measurement Releases AQ6360 Optical Spectrum Analyzer

Tokyo, Japan–March 6, 2018


Yokogawa Test & Measurement Releases AQ6360 Optical Spectrum Analyzer

–A compact, fully functional analyzer for use on production lines–


Yokogawa Test & Measurement Corporation announces the release of the AQ6360, an optical spectrum analyzer for production line applications that employs the dispersive spectroscopy technique* and covers optical communication wavelengths in the 1200–1650 nm range. With its compact, lightweight design and optimal performance specifications for production line applications, the AQ6360 is an ideal instrument for the production line testing and inspection of the semiconductor lasers used in optical transceivers, optical amplifiers, and other types of optical communications devices.


Development Background

The ever rising use of information technology and communication services continues to drive the construction of new networks, data centers, and other technology infrastructure. Combined with the shift toward the use of optical communications networks to connect data centers, there is a rising demand for transceivers and other types of optical transmission devices.


As manufacturers of optical transceivers and other types of optical transmission devices continue to add to their production capacity, they have a rising need on their production lines for an optical spectrum analyzer that is compact, inexpensive, and easy to use. The new AQ6360 meets all these requirements.


Product Features

1. The right specifications at a low price

As its performance specifications have been optimized for the production line testing and inspection of semiconductor lasers, the AQ6360 costs approximately 30% less than our high-performance AQ6370D model.

Major specifications:

Wavelength resolution: 0.1 to 2 nm

Level sensitivity: +20 to −80 dBm (dBm: decibel per mW)

Dynamic range: 55 dB


2. Stable measurement independent of optical fiber type

The AQ6360 features a unique free-space optical input. As no fiber is mounted inside the instrument, the AQ6360 can accept light signal inputs from both single-mode and multimode fibers, ensuring stable measurement independent of the optical fiber type.


3. High-speed measurement

The AQ6360 can measure optical signals approximately two times faster than the AQ6370D.


4. Compact

The AQ6360 is compact, measuring just 426 mm (W) × 459 mm (D) × 177 mm (H), and it weighs only 15.5 kg. It is approximately 20% shorter and lighter than the AQ6370D.


* A technique for the extraction of a narrow range of wavelengths by passing light through a diffraction grating and a narrow slit


Major Target Markets

Manufacturers of semiconductor lasers, optical transceivers, optical amplifiers, and other types of optical communications equipment


Yokogawa’s Commitment to the Field of Optical Spectrum Analyzers

In 2006, Yokogawa released the AQ6370 optical spectrum analyzer, a high-performance instrument that employs the dispersive spectroscopy technique. Since then, the Company has added models to this series that accept wavelengths in the optical communications, visible light, near-infrared, and mid-infrared ranges. Our optical spectrum analyzers are widely used in the development of optical devices and instruments. The new AQ6360 is a compact and easy-to-introduce instrument that costs less, has the same usability and reliability as the AQ6370 series, and has the right specifications for use in production line testing and inspection. With a versatile lineup of optical spectrum analyzers that meet a wide range of customer needs, Yokogawa is a leader in this global market. The company’s products are ideal for a wide range of applications, from research and development to production.



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AQ6360 Telecom Production 1200 - 1650 nm

  • 0.1 nm resolution
  • ±20 pm accuracy
  • 55 dB dynamic range
  • -80 dBm level sensitivity
  • High sweep speed for manufacturing

Precision Making
