AQ6375 Optical Spectrum Analyzer for Long Wavelength Band


  •     MORI Tohru*1
  •     ISHIHARA Gentarou*1
  •     KANEKO Tsutomu*1
  •     HORIGUCHI Atsushi*1

*1Communication and Measurement Business Headquarters
We have developed the AQ6375 Optical Spectrum Analyzer grating-based desktop optical spectrum analyzer, which can measure an optical spectrum over a wide wavelength range from 1.2 to 2.4 m with high wavelength resolution at high speed. Despite the popularity of desktop optical spectrum analyzers in the telecommunication wavelength region, a large-scale optical spectrum measurement system with a monochromator has commonly been used for measuring the long wavelength region, and so there was a need for a desktop optical spectrum analyzer for long wavelengths. Deep optical absorptions appearing in the long wavelength region around 2 m caused by CO2, NOX and H2O are attracting attention in the environmental and medical fields, and thus sensitive measuring equipment by laser absorption spectroscopy using a near infrared semiconductor laser is becoming more popular. With excellent optical spectrum measurement capabilities (high resolution and high speed), operability and maintenance performance, the AQ6375 Optical Spectrum Analyzer optical spectrum analyzer will contribute to the performance improvement and spread of near-infrared semiconductor lasers used in laser absorption spectroscopy.

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