LS3300 Technical Information

Complete technical information of LS3300 AC Power Calibrator Including:

1. Stability and Linearity Characteristics

2. Synchronous Operation 

3. Safety and maximum capacity settings

Produtos e Soluções Relacionadas

LS3300 AC Power Calibrator

The LS3300, Yokogawa’s first high precision AC Power Standard.  New features include a high quality LCD Display, a vector diagram, the ability to emulate the most commonly encountered wiring schemes, and independent voltage and current sources. 

Signal Generators, Sources and Supplies

For general purpose standalone applications or as core components in a high speed test and measurement system, Yokogawa sources and signal generators are highly accurate and functional.

Voltage and Current Calibrators and Standards

The simple, standalone solution for calibrating clamp on testers, power meters, multimeters, current transformers, and analog and digital panel meters.

Precision Making
