Can a Large Data File be Saved Onto Multiple Floppy Disks With the DL1540L?

Yes, if all the data cannot fit onto one disk, a message will appear prompting you to enter the next floppy disk. Simply follow the instructions to save the data to multiple floppy disks. The same procedure also applies when loading the data. These operations are also the same for the DL1520.

Produtos e Soluções Relacionadas

Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes

  • Yokogawa mixed signal oscilloscopes
  • Simultaneous, time correlated observations
  • Analysis of analog with digital (logic) signals
  • Troubleshooting electrical anomalies, measuring parametric values, monitoring signals


  • Digital oscilloscopes
  • High-speed sampling
  • Range of bandwidths for electronic device design and development
  • Advantages of oscilloscope and multi-channel data recorder

Precision Making
