Can we upgrade the DLM2000 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope memory to /M2?

Can we upgrade the DLM2000 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope memory to /M2?
No – DLM2000 Memory is factory only (must be ordered at time of new purchase); there is not a mod available for this type of upgrade.

Produtos e Soluções Relacionadas

DLM2000 Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes

200, 350, and 500MHz mixed-signal oscilloscopes for every engineer. Best-in-class performance in usability, acquisition, analysis, and display—all at a price you can digest. Options include serial bus, vehicle bus, and power supply analysis functions.

Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes

  • Yokogawa mixed signal oscilloscopes
  • Simultaneous, time correlated observations
  • Analysis of analog with digital (logic) signals
  • Troubleshooting electrical anomalies, measuring parametric values, monitoring signals


  • Digital oscilloscopes
  • High-speed sampling
  • Range of bandwidths for electronic device design and development
  • Advantages of oscilloscope and multi-channel data recorder

Precision Making
