With the DLM2000 series mixed signal oscilloscope, up to 20,000 previously captured waveforms can be saved into the acquisition memory. You can use the HISTORY function to search, display and save just one or all of the previously captured waveforms(history waveforms).
To save ALL acquisitions in History:
To save ONE acquisition in History:
When HISTORY Mode is set to ONE, only one history *.WDF waveform data file of the measurement is saved. Remember that it is necessary to select which waveform number you wish to save using the Select No. button; ONE mode does not automatically save the last waveform acquired.
HISTORY will not save all waveform data for ASCII file types, even if HISTORY mode is set to ALL.
200, 350, and 500MHz mixed-signal oscilloscopes for every engineer. Best-in-class performance in usability, acquisition, analysis, and display—all at a price you can digest. Options include serial bus, vehicle bus, and power supply analysis functions.
Osciloscópios digitais de classe mundial da Yokogawa: Os osciloscópios digitais têm amostragem de alta velocidade e uma ampla gama de larguras de banda que podem ser utilizadas para projeto e desenvolvimento de dispositivos eletrônicos. As ScopeCorders têm as vantagens de um osciloscópio digital e de um gravador de dados multicanal.