How Long Does it Take to Transfer Screen Images From the DL1540 Digital Oscilloscope to the PC via GPIB?

The transfer could take up to 10 seconds. Normally it is 6 or 7 seconds, however this will vary depending on the performance of the PC and the GP-IB board. On the DL1540C Digital Oscilloscope, this may take longer than 10 s, because the screen image data contains color information. Assure that the time-out setting for the PC being used is set long enough to accommodate the required transfer time.

Produtos e Soluções Relacionadas

Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes

  • Yokogawa mixed signal oscilloscopes
  • Simultaneous, time correlated observations
  • Analysis of analog with digital (logic) signals
  • Troubleshooting electrical anomalies, measuring parametric values, monitoring signals


  • Digital oscilloscopes
  • High-speed sampling
  • Range of bandwidths for electronic device design and development
  • Advantages of oscilloscope and multi-channel data recorder

Precision Making
