What are the Part Numbers for the 2 pcs Flat-Head and Binding-Head Screws in the WT210 Rack Mount Kit?

The part numbers for the 2 piece screws in the WT210 Rack Mount Kit (751533-E2) are listed below:
  • Y9414LB: Binding-head screw (M4, 14mm long)
  • Y9414EB: Flat-head screw (M4,14mm long)

If you wish to purchase the screws from your local hardware store, please refer to the following:

  • Binding-head screw: Metric coarse thread; Diameter 4mm; Pitch 0.7mm; 14mm Long; Binding-head
  • Flat-head screw: Metric coarse thread; Diameter 4mm; Pitch 0.7mm; 14mm Long; Flat-head

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