Yokogawa Test & Measurement Releases CT1000S AC/DC Split Core Current Sensor

Yokogawa Test & Measurement Corporation

Tokyo, Japan - June 6, 2024


Yokogawa Test & Measurement Releases CT1000S AC/DC Split Core Current Sensor
-  For wide-bandwidth, high-current applications in the automotive and other industries


Yokogawa Test & Measurement Corporation announces the release of the CT1000S AC/DC split core current sensor. The CT1000S combines the accuracy of Yokogawa’s conventional current sensors with the convenience of a clamp design, and features a high common mode rejection ratio (CMRR) and excellent frequency characteristics, even at measurement frequencies of 10 kHz or higher. As such, the CT1000S is an ideal solution for test applications that require wide-bandwidth, high-current measurement.

CT1000S AC/DC split core current sensor

Development Background
The rising importance of energy efficiency across all industries is driving demand for increasingly accurate power measurements in high-current applications such as electric vehicles, trains, and renewable energy systems. While Yokogawa’s conventional CT series current sensors can be used in combination with tools such as the company’s power analyzers to perform multichannel measurement of large AC/DC currents and provide valuable insights needed to meet efficiency targets, their installation and removal require the disconnection of wires. With its clamp design, the CT1000S is a convenient and highly precise wide-bandwidth, high-current measurement tool that eliminates the need for the disconnection of wires.

Main Features
1. Wide-bandwidth, high-current measurement
The CT1000S is able to measure AC and DC currents of up to 1000A and has a wide DC to 300 kHz measurement frequency range. A high CMRR and excellent linearity of frequency characteristics ensure precise power measurement in high-frequency applications that have dramatic changes in current levels and thus require a wide dynamic range, while high resistance to electromagnetic noise ensures more accurate readings.

2. Pairable with power analyzers and waveform measurement instruments
For tasks such as the evaluation of inverter carrier fundamental frequency components and reactor losses that necessitate wide bandwidths and the measurement of large currents, the CT1000S can be paired with Yokogawa power analyzers and waveform measurement instruments.
Pairing examples:

  • The CT1000S can be used with the DL950 ScopeCorder to perform kHz-range measurements for the analysis of fundamental frequency and carrier frequency components.
  • The CT1000S can be used with the WT5000 precision power analyzer to perform highly accurate power measurements. A motor evaluation function utilizes torque and encoder outputs to simultaneously evaluate up to four units.

3. Ease of installation
Thanks to a clamp design that eliminates the need for the disconnection of wires, the CT1000S current sensor is easy to set and remove. To ensure stable measurements and enhance reproducibility, the CT1000S sensor unit and cable can be fixed in position. Cable lengths of 3m, 5m, and 10m are available.

Major Target Markets
-    Automotive
-    Renewable energy
-    Shipbuilding, railway infrastructure

-    Evaluation and testing of inverters, motors, power conditioners, and other components
-    Development and evaluation of electric vehicles
-    Testing of large inverter motors used in ships and trains


About Yokogawa Test & Measurement
Yokogawa has been developing measurement solutions for 100 years, consistently finding new ways to give R&D teams the tools they need to gain the best insights from their measurement strategies. The company has pioneered accurate power measurement throughout its history, and is the market leader in digital power analyzers and optical spectrum analyzers. 
Yokogawa measuring instruments are renowned worldwide for their high levels of precision, quality, durability, and service support.

Meet the precision makers at https://tmi.yokogawa.com/ 


About Yokogawa
Yokogawa provides advanced solutions in the areas of measurement, control, and information to customers across a broad range of industries, including energy, chemicals, materials, pharmaceuticals, and food. Yokogawa addresses customer issues regarding the optimization of production, assets, and the supply chain with the effective application of digital technologies, enabling the transition to autonomous operations.
Founded in Tokyo in 1915, Yokogawa continues to work toward a sustainable society through its 17,000+ employees in a global network of 127 companies spanning 60 countries.

For more information, visit www.yokogawa.com/

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AC/DC Split Core Current Sensor CT1000S

Measure high currents without disassembling existing cabling. Compatible with power analyzers and waveform measurement instruments.

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