VB8300, VG3000/VG6000
FDM Generation Utility Software 703082

OFDM Modulation Parameter
-Modulation Parameter
FFT Points: 16-4096**
- Number of sub carriers: Less than FFT points
- Modulation format of sub carriers:
- BPSK, QPSK, Π/4DQPSK, 8PSK, 16QAM, 64QAM and these deferential
- Mapping type: Gray Code/Square Code
- Offset frequency:
- 0 or 0.5 (time ratio of FFT)
- Use of zero carrier: ON/OFF
- Pre-guard: 0-FFT points
- Post-guard: 0-Pre-guard
- Range of overlap: 0-Post-guard
- Input data: PN2-15 steps, user data
- Number of over sample: 1-16
- Filter at output grade: Raised Cosine, Chebysev, Butterworth
- Control function of output level
- Additional function of training data