Power Electronics and Distributed Generation are two key technologies to develope the modern society towards a more sustainable one and their interplay are very important. Many countries are announcing ambitious plans for distributed generation e.g. wind turbines and photovoltaics and the power electronics is ensuring that the grid integration is done well. However, the real driver to make all those technologies is price so continuously we have to be able to do circuits more smarter, do the control more intelligent and understand better the context the distributed generation is integrated into the grid.
The third symposium of Power Electronics and Distributed Generation will be held in Aalborg, Denmark following up on two succesfull symposia in China in 2010 and 2008. Denmark is one of leading countries in renewable energy technologies but also of the integration of distributed generation. For example covers wind now more than 25 % of the whole electricity production in Denmark and there is a plan saying that in 2050 Denmark should be fossil fuel independent.

Dates: jún 25 - 28, 2012

Precision Making
