EDFA and DWDM Testing

Simple EDFA Test
The ASE interpolation method is used to measure gain, NF, and key parameters for optical fiber amplifier evaluation. With the WDM-NF analysis function, up to 1024 channels of multiplexed signals can simultaneously be tested. An ASE level for NF measurements is calculated by using a curve-fit function for each WDM channel.

AQ6370D Simple EDFA TEST
AQ6380D EDFA Display 1
WDM waveform before/after amplification by EDFA

 Automated EDFA Test

In conjunction with Grid TLS, optical attenuator and optical switches, an EDFA auto test system can easily be established. This system does not require manual reconfiguration of optical paths and adjustments of EDFA input power, and that improves measurement throughput and avoids a human error. AQ2200 series is a modular system suitable for building such a system. 
Screen Shot 2016 03 28 At 10.43.25 AM
Example of automated EDFA test configuration


AQ6370D's wide close-in dynamic range allows accurate OSNR measurement of DWDM transmission systems (up to 50 GHz spacing). The built-in WDM analysis function analyzes the measured waveform and shows peak wavelength, peak level and OSNR of WDM signals up to 1024 channels simultaneously. 
AQ6370D MUXed Tx Signal To OA And OSA 1
AQ6370D WDM OSNR Display 1
Example of WDM OSNR analysis and data table

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Precision Making
