Large Current Measurements for IH Cooking Heaters

In recent years the buzzword “all electric” is becoming popular, which refers to kitchen appliances, water heaters, and other devices in the home all being supplied with electric power. Along with this, demand is growing for IH (induction heating) cooking heaters as a safer alternative to gas ranges. IH cooking heaters use large currents to generate strong thermoelectric power that is converted to heat. The large current flowing in an IH cooking heater can be input directly to the WT500 without the need for current sensors or other devices, allowing measurement of voltage, current, power, waveform distortion (THD), and other parameters. Measurements can be taken at intervals as short as 100 ms, allowing for high speed acquisition of power data on manufacturing lines.

Overview of Measurement for IH Cooking Heaters

Large Current 1 WT500

Because the WT500 can accept input on 3 channels, you can measure voltage, current, power, and distortion (THD) on up to 3 separate heaters. You can also measure total power consumption, current consumption, and other parameters on the DUT simultaneously, making it convenient for a variety of evaluation tasks.

WT500 Display Formats and Settings

Example: Observing voltage, current, and power on ranges 1, 2, and 3

Large Current WT500 2

Displays trends of power value fluctuations for each cooking range.

Large Current WT500 3

*  As the WT500 has a frequency band of 100 kHz, the measurement error of impedance signals can be large at higher speeds than this. In such cases, we recommend use of the WT1600 or WT3000.
Solution Features
  1. Large current measurement
  2. High accuracy measurement for power consumption.
  3. High speed data capturing
  4. Observing voltage, current and power in each stove simultaneously
  5. Harmonics and THD Measurement

WT500 Features
  1. Large current direct input: 40-Arms
  2. High Accuracy power consumption measurement: 0.1% of reading
  3. High speed update rate: 100ms interval with all channels
  4. Set particular items at the specified position on display screen.
  5. Harmonics (DC-50th order) and Total harmonic distortion (THD) can be measured.

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Produtos e Soluções Relacionadas

WT500 - Mid Range

  • Up to 3 wattmeters
  • 0.1% of rdg + 0.1% of rng
  • DC, 0.1Hz to 100kHz
  • Independent range controls
  • Harmonics to 50th order

Precision Making
