Is There a Way to Recover a DL850 ScopeCorder WDF File That Cannot be Opened in Xviewer?

If the Scopecorder DL850 ScopeCorder WDF file was saved through the hard disk recording feature (HD Recording), then the file may be recovered by using the Finalize feature in Xviewer File Utility. Files that were saved through the normal save procedure or dual capture feature cannot be recovered.
To recover the corrupted file, please complete the following procedures:
  1. Open Xviewer
  2. Click on Tools ⇒ DL850 Advanced Utility ⇒ File Utility....
  3. Click on the Finalize tab
  4. Click and Browse and Open the corrupted file
    (File should display in the file list)
  5. Verify the status of the corrupted file underneath the Finalize column. Files denoted by "Undone" can be recovered. Files denoted by "Done" cannot be recovered.
  6. Select whether to Overwrite the original file
  7. Click on Execute

For more information on file Finalize and Xviewer File Utility, please refer to the JS01 Xviewer Advanced File Utility Tutorial.


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