My DL750 ScopeCorder HDD RECORDING "REALTIME" Files are missing. Please help.

My DL750 ScopeCorder HDD RECORDING "REALTIME" Files are missing.
Please help.
(Or: You need to locate them and move them to my PC via USB THUMB DRIVE.)
DL750 REALTIME FILES ".WDF Files" are not visible on the DL750 HDD unless you have REALTIME recording enabled. They exist on a special partition.
Here are the keystrokes to COPY files from HD-0 to USB DRIVE:
First, enable REALTIME MODE - press ACQ and then REALTIME OUT = HD. Very important!
Set soft-menu button #1 (top-most) to Function=COPY.
Rotate thumb-wheel and use SELECT button to set PATH=HD-0.
(this is now indicated in top of the ‘File List’ daughter-window.
Rotate knob to highlight each file you wish to copy to the USB thumb drive.
Press SET/RESET button (soft-menu button #2)
When done selecting files, press DEST DIR (button #7, down at bottom).
Rotate Thumb Wheel and hit SELCT button to set PATH = USB.
NOTE – if your recordings were “REALTIME” recordings, you will not see them listed during the steps above; don’t worry, your files are still there; you MUST set REALTIME mode to “ON” first; then repeat the steps above; to turn REALTIME mode to “ON”, press ACQ and then REALTIME OUT = HD.

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