Why is the DL850 Scopecorder Dual Capture List Out of Order Chronologically?

On the DL850 Scopecorder, the list starts with #0000 and corresponds to the last triggered waveform captured. The next entry, #0001, corresponds to the first triggered waveform captured and proceeds to list the captured waveforms in chronological order. This is normal for the DL850 Scopecorder and was the method designed by the engineer. It is not a bug or glitch.

If you wish to view the acquisitions in chronological order, you can save the waveform data in *.WDF format and load it in Xviewer. Xviewer will list the acquisitions in chronological order. For example if you captured 117 acquisitions on the DL850
Scopecorder, i.e. #0000 to #1116, then Xviewer will rearrange the acquisition order. The new order will be:
                      #0000 becomes #1116

                      #0001 becomes #0000
                      #0002 becomes #0001
                      #0003 becomes #0002

                             and so on.....

Please download the attached files for a screenshot demonstration of this phenomenon.


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