One of the most effective tools in the fight against air pollution and carbon emissions is the technique of gas absorption spectrometry. MicroPhotons addresses this challenge by replacing super-cooled emitters with a super-continuum light source for room temperature gas absorption measurements. Read more...
Drivetrain testing service providers require flexibility to meet diverse customer needs, from component suppliers to major car manufacturers. ATESTEO in Kassel, Germany sought adaptable test solutions for their automotive test beds. Read more...
Electric vehicle (EV) manufacturers strive for top-notch performance, efficiency, reliability, and range. To ensure this, they rely on specialists like Intertek. With its EV Testing Centre in Milton Keynes, UK, Intertek aids in refining electric motors, batteries, and drivetrains. Read more...
Recently the award winning WT5000 Precision Power Analyzer received its first major update to its options and functions. This allows the user to capture raw waveform data simultaneously with the numeric measurement data. Both the raw data and numeric data can be sent directly to the test bench software.
With the new AQ6377, Yokogawa optical spectrum analyzers portfolio now covers the entire wavelength range between 350 and 5500 nm