Yokogawa is an industry leader in promoting sustainability and at ECOC 2022, we will show a test and measurement product that can help the world rein in its growing carbon emissions. As work and leisure move more online, there is a huge demand for data, making it vital to get more through the same pipe without building extra energy consuming infrastructure. The answer is dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM), which increases bandwidth over the existing optical fiber backhaul network.
Yet, as telecommunication channels get closer, it becomes more difficult to separate them. The Yokogawa AQ6380 optical spectrum analyzer meets this need with optical wavelength resolution down to 5 picometers (pm), for easy separation and measurement of optical signals. With wavelength resolution from 5 pm to 2 nm, a wide range of applications can be supported, from narrowband peak/notch measurements to wideband spectral measurements. To maintain high accuracy, the AQ6380 has on board calibration, while a high-resolution 10.4-inch touchscreen ensures easy and intuitive operation.
See the Yokogawa AQ6380 at stand 653 at ECOC 2022
AQ6380 OSA: 5 pm high wavelength resolution, ±5 pm accuracy, 65 dB wide close-in dynamic range, 80 dB high stray light suppression