Energias Renováveis, Geração, Transmissão e Distribuição

O aquecimento global tem nos conduzido a uma cobrança por implementações de soluções energéticas “limpas”, incluindo energias renováveis que têm um menor impacto ao meio ambiente. Pesquisas continuadas tornaram a energia renovável mais acessível nos dias de hoje.
Energia eólica, energia fotovoltaica e álcool combustível são opções desejáveis de fontes de energia alternativas, no entanto, ainda há uma grande quantidade de pesquisas a serem feitas para maximizar a relação custo-benefício dessas opções. A Yokogawa, dedicada a proteger o ambiente global, está empenhada em apoiar estes canais para otimizar a eficiência dessas fontes de energia e apoiar nossos clientes que também tem a prioridade de fazê-lo. Os oscilógrafos DL950 e os analisadores de potência WT1800E e WT5000 são exemplos de instrumentos que lhes permitirão gerenciar estes esforços. O oscilógrafo DL950 consiste em um misto de sistema de aquisição de dados e osciloscópio com canais isolados, e que proporciona uma gama enorme de aplicações por sua flexibilidade, rápida velocidade de aquisição e capacidade de captura de dados. Os analisadores de potência WT1800E e WT5000 permitem a avaliação de rendimento de conversores e geradores, com alto desempenho, precisão e confiabilidade.
Dentre as principais aplicações neste segmento destacam-se:
- Captura e avaliação de transientes elétricos: oscilógrafos da linha DL e analisadores de qualidade de energia CW500;
- Avaliação e comissionamento de geradores: analisadores de potência série WT e oscilógrafos série DL950;
- Análise de rendimento de inversores eólicos, fotovoltaicos e geradores: analisadores de potência série WT e PX8000, oscilógrafos série DL950;
- Manutenção preditiva e análises diversas: multímetros digitais TY720, megôhmetros, calibradores e osciloscópios digitais série DLM.

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A comprehensive review of split core current transformers and explanation of their principles of operation, design considerations, advantages, disadvantages compared to other CT technologies, and applications.

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Detailed measurement methods, supply voltage settings, and others are specified for the harmonic/flicker standard test.

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Measuring Conversion Efficiency of Power Conditioner

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The DL850 Scopecorder can take engineers to a new level of efficiency in the development of everything from green devices to complex advanced systems.

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The request for lower uncertainties in power measurements are increasing,especially in the transformer industries. Their role is to ensure that the electricity is distributed in an efficient and reliable way. 

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    A demonstration reading a 4 - 20 mA transducer into an analog channel on the Portable DL350 ScopeCorder.

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    Looking for a turnkey high-speed data transfer solution with better bandwidth and minimal manual overhead?

    The 10Gb Ethernet option on the Yokogawa Test&Measurement DL950 ScopeCorder fits that very role and makes capturing and recording high-speed data seamless and convenient.

    Record data at 50 times the speeds of traditional Ethernet and USB connections and automatically transfer data to your PC in a single step using the IS8000 Integrated Software Platform.

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    CAN Bus communication is widely used in the transportation industry where reliable transmission of data is paramount. Monitoring and recording these communications can be easier when using the proper instruments. In this video, a Yokogawa Test&Measurement Applications Engineer demonstrates how to setup the DL950 ScopeCorder to read the temperature of a motor drive alongside its voltage and current output.

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    This video demonstrates how to test to an IEC standard (IEC 61000) using a Yokogawa Test&Measurement WT5000 Precision Power Analyzer and the harmonic flicker testing software. The software automates the process of judging if the device under test is compliant with the chosen standard and allows you to output the necessary test reports for your records.

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    This video demonstrates how to measure transient phenomena on power signals using the Yokogawa Test&Measurement PX8000 Precision Power Scope.

    In several applications, especially those testing AC power to a standard such as IEC61000-3-11, the voltage and current signals must be monitored to confirm there are no major dips and/or swells in the signal. This can be done with instruments capable of reporting rms values, including power analyzers, traditional oscilloscopes, and some data acquisition systems.

    To test to a standard, however, the instrument must have an accuracy spec that is traceable back to a national standard of calibration such as ISO17025 or NIST.

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    • Using the portable DL350 ScopeCorder Memory Recorder Mode Easy Setup
    • Combined with 16-channel thermocouple input
    • Record hours, days, or weeks of data
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    Having multiple memory options allows engineering groups to optimize how data is stored, no matter if you need to record for a long time at slower sampling rates, do a fast capture at high sampling rates, or anything in between.

    The Yokogawa Test&Measurement DL950 ScopeCorder operates as an oscilloscope and incorporates the ability to record data for long periods of time like a data acquisition recorder. There are four memory types on the DL950 ScopeCorder: internal memory, solid state drive, flash memory, and PC storage through the IS8000 Integrated Test and Measurement Software Platform. This videos talks about the advantages of each of these and how to pick the best data recording method for you.


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    While DC power measurements are relatively straight forward, AC power measurements that include distorted waveforms, varying power factors, and multiple phases can add complexity to an otherwise simple measurement. During this webinar, we cover multiple fundamentals of power measurement.

    Key topics include:

    • Multi-phase measurements
    • Measurement techniques
    • Measurement applications
    • Real-world examples and more

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