OSA: Optimization of Optical Modulator Bias Voltage

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An optical modulator is a key device indispensable for optical communication  that transforms the properties of light such as wavelength, intensity, and phase  with electrical signals.

Typical optical modulators such as LN (Lithium Niobate) modulators, Mach-  Zehnder modulators, and EA (Electro-absorption) modulators require the  optimization of bias voltages.

If the bias voltage is improperly adjusted, abnormal spectral peaks may occur  and degrade optical communications. To detect abnormal spectral peaks, an  OSA with high resolution and dynamic range is required in order to effectively  separate the side lobes. The measurement speed of the OSA is also important.  Because the bias voltage needs to be adjusted while checking the intensity of  the abnormal spectral peaks.

Optimization of Optical Modulator Bias Voltage

Reasons why engineers choose the AQ6380 monochromator OSA:
Ÿ5 pm high wavelength resolution and 65 dB wide dynamic range

Abnormal spectral peaks and side lobes can be clearly separated during bias voltage adjustment.

Reasons why engineers choose the AQ6380 monochromator

ŸFast sweep

The "RAPID" sensitivity mode’s high speed makes the AQ6380 ideal for bias

voltage adjustment while checking the intensity of abnormal spectral peaks.

Ÿ1200-1650nm wide wavelength range*

O-band, C-band, and other bands are used for modulators. A single AQ6380

can cover all those bands.

Produtos e Soluções Relacionadas

AQ6370E Telecom 600 - 1700 nm

  • AQ6370E Optical Spectrum Analyzer
  • Popular TELECOM wavelength Range of 600nm to1700nm
  • Ideal model for Telecommunications applications for single-mode and multi-mode optics

AQ6380 Highest Performance Optical Spectrum Analyzer 1200 - 1650 nm

AQ6380 OSA: 5 pm high wavelength resolution, ±5 pm accuracy, 65 dB wide close-in dynamic range, 80 dB high stray light suppression

Analisador de Espectro Ótico

Um analisador óptico de espectro (ou OSA) é um instrumento de precisão projetado para medir e exibir a distribuição de energia de uma fonte ótica em um intervalo de comprimento de onda específico. Um rastreamento OSA exibe a energia na escala vertical e o comprimento de onda na escala horizontal.

Equipamentos de teste ótico

A Yokogawa oferece soluções para medir componentes e sistemas óticos tradicionais e de ponta, atendendo à crescente demanda por linhas de fibra de alta capacidade e novas tecnologias de componentes.

Precision Making
