For the DLM2000 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope with user-defined math (G2 Option), you can calculate the ratio of two voltages in decibels. The formula for calculating the ratio of two voltages in dB is:
dB = 20*Log(Voltage1/Voltage2)
Follow the procedures listed below to perform the calculation:
Please view the attached file for an example screenshot and the calculation result.
200, 350, and 500MHz mixed-signal oscilloscopes for every engineer. Best-in-class performance in usability, acquisition, analysis, and display—all at a price you can digest. Options include serial bus, vehicle bus, and power supply analysis functions.
Osciloscópios digitais de classe mundial da Yokogawa: Os osciloscópios digitais têm amostragem de alta velocidade e uma ampla gama de larguras de banda que podem ser utilizadas para projeto e desenvolvimento de dispositivos eletrônicos. As ScopeCorders têm as vantagens de um osciloscópio digital e de um gravador de dados multicanal.