Why Can't the High-Speed Data Acquisition Unit SL1000 Acquisition Software Detect my USB Connection?

Even though the correct USB drivers have been installed, and the device displays correctly in the Windows Device Manager Window, the High-Speed Data Acquisition Unit SL1000 Acquisition Software fails to detect the SL1000 main unit.

  1. Verify that the Group and Unit ID on the SL1000 main unit are set to "0." The Group and Unit ID are the blue rotary switches located on the rear of the SL1000 main unit.
  2. If the Agilent I/O Library Suite or software was previously or is currently installed on the PC, please disable the software or un-install it completely. Re-boot the PC and reconnect to the SL1000 using the SL1000 Acquisition Software. 
  3. Download and re-install the latest USB drivers.
    For Windows Vista/7 64-bit OS, install the x64 drivers.
    For Windows Xp/Vista/7 32-bit OS, install the x32 drivers.

Possible Reasons this Issue Occurs:

  1. The SL1000 Group and Unit ID is not set to "0"
  2. The Agilent I/O Libraries Suite was previously or is currently installed on the PC.
    The Agilent I/O Libraries Suit will prohibit the SL1000 Acquisition Software from connecting to the SL1000 main unit via USB. The Agilent I/O Libraries Suite is usually installed when you install Agilent hardware drivers for software control. It will tie up the USB port and not allow any other DAQ device to connect. A list of other known issues with these libraries can be found by clicking on the following link:


Note: This issue may also apply to other instruments which use our Yokogawa acquisition or analysis software, such as the WE7000 or DL750/DL750P.

Produtos e Soluções Relacionadas

SL1000 High Channel Count ScopeCorder

A headless ScopeCorder system capable of connecting multiple chassis into one PC-based system.


WE7000 PC-Based Measurement Instruments

One system, multiple instruments:  WE7000 satisfies demands for fast, reliable and precise data acquisition which uses a standard laptop or PC as its user interface. Input modules plug into an expandable measuring station. Via the optical interface, it is possible to galvanically isolate the laptop/PC.

Aquisição de Dados (DAQ)

Os sistemas de aquisição de dados da Yokogawa proporcionam a você mais flexibilidade e poder para medir, exibir, armazenar e até mesmo atuar qualquer número de fenômenos físicos ou elétricos.

High Speed Data Acquisition

  • Yokogawa high-speed data acquisition systems
  • Industry-leading isolation, bit resolution, sampling rate, and memory depth
  • Independent channel hardware and easy to use software


Osciloscópios digitais de classe mundial da Yokogawa: Os osciloscópios digitais têm amostragem de alta velocidade e uma ampla gama de larguras de banda que podem ser utilizadas para projeto e desenvolvimento de dispositivos eletrônicos. As ScopeCorders têm as vantagens de um osciloscópio digital e de um gravador de dados multicanal.


  • Flexible, high-performance Yokogawa ScopeCorder
  • Modular platform combines mixed signal oscilloscope and portable data acquisition recorder 
  • Captures high-speed transients and low-speed trends 


Precision Making
