Ripple Noise Measurement with High Definition Oscilloscope
Ripple noise observation of a switching power supply is usually performed with AC coupling, but there may be times when you want to see the waveform including DC, such as when the output fluctuates greatly. At that time, conventional 8-bit oscilloscopes do not have sufficient resolution, making it difficult to capture noise. Some operators overdrive the waveform to capture it, but be careful as it distorts the waveform and makes it impossible to measure accurately.
The DLM5000HD with 12-bit ADC has 16 times the vertical resolution compared to 8-bit oscilloscopes, making it ideal for such measurements. Also, a record length of up to 1 G points enables long time measurements at high sample rates.
Switching power supply output element overview
Observation of ripple noise (BW 100MHz, high-res mode)
Switching noise can be identified even in waveforms taken with DC coupling.
The DLM5000HD series sets a new standard for high-definition oscilloscopes.