Technical Oscilloscope Probe Webinar - 02.21.2012

This one-hour seminar is packed with tips about the benefits of using voltage probe basics, applications for probes, real-world circuit probing and current probe basics.

Who Should Attend:

Engineers and Technicians Who:

  • are new to testing signals with oscilloscopes
  • make measurements at 50 MHz or higher
  • design or test power supplies
  • desire to improve test result repeatability
  • wish to more fully utilize existing scopes by choosing the best probe for a given application.

What You Will Learn:

  • Specifications for Probes
  • Current Probe Basics
  • Benefits of Using Probes
  • Real World Circuit Probing
  • Voltage Probe Basics
  • Hints and Tips for Successful Probing
Dates: Peb 21 - 22, 2012

Precision Making
