How Do I Resolve the "LACK" Measurement Reading in DAQLOGGER When Connected to the WT230 Digital Power Meter via GateWT?

When making a WT230 Digital Power Meter RS232C connection using GateWT, please verify the following RS232C communication settings on the instrument:
  • Mode = 488.2
  • Hand = 0
  • For = 0
  • Baud Rate = 9600
  • Terminator Cr+Lf

Even though you can run GateWT and retrieve the tags from the WT230, the readings in DAQLOGGER will display "LACK" if the terminator is not set to Cr+Lf.

Produtos e Soluções Relacionadas

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A Yokogawa, a maior fabricante mundial de analisadores e medidores de energia e energia, fornece uma ampla gama de analisadores de energia digital para atender a todos os requisitos.

Aquisição de Dados (DAQ)

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  • Independent channel hardware and easy to use software


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  • Modular platform combines mixed signal oscilloscope and portable data acquisition recorder 
  • Captures high-speed transients and low-speed trends 


Power Measurement Application Software

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Precision Making
