Is There any way to Save Waveform Data Whose Record Length Exceeds 1.25 Mpts in ASCII CSV Format?

The DLM2000 will prohibit any attempts to save a waveform in CSV format if the file is larger than 1.25 Mpts. There are two methods to work around this issue:
  1. Compress the data using the Data Compression feature on the DLM2000
  2. Save the waveform in .WDF Binary format and use Xviewer to convert the .WDF file to ASCII CSV format

What is Waveform Data?

Waveform data reflect amplitude or level changes over time. There are various types of waveforms including sine, sawtooth (all harmonics), square, and triangle (odd harmonics).


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DLM2000 Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes

200, 350, and 500MHz mixed-signal oscilloscopes for every engineer. Best-in-class performance in usability, acquisition, analysis, and display—all at a price you can digest. Options include serial bus, vehicle bus, and power supply analysis functions.

Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes

  • Yokogawa mixed signal oscilloscopes
  • Simultaneous, time correlated observations
  • Analysis of analog with digital (logic) signals
  • Troubleshooting electrical anomalies, measuring parametric values, monitoring signals

Oscilloscopes Application Software

  • Yokogawa Test&Measurement oscilloscope application software
  • View, export, analyze, and manage data 


Osciloscópios digitais de classe mundial da Yokogawa: Os osciloscópios digitais têm amostragem de alta velocidade e uma ampla gama de larguras de banda que podem ser utilizadas para projeto e desenvolvimento de dispositivos eletrônicos. As ScopeCorders têm as vantagens de um osciloscópio digital e de um gravador de dados multicanal.

Precision Making
