MATLAB WDF Access Toolbox

MATLAB Access Toolbox enables access to waveform data files saved in WDF format on MATLAB.

Applicable Model

DL350, DL850/DL850Eseries, DL950, SL1000, DLM2000, DLM3000, DLM3000HD, DLM4000, DLM5000, DLM5000HD, DLM6000


  • MATLAB WDF Access Toolbox run on MATLAB and load WDF format waveform data into MATLAB.
  • To control the instruments from MATLAB, please use MathWorks Instruments Control Toolbox.



The files listed below, including MATLAB history files, will be provided.

API Function
ytmSampleWdf - Sample script for WDF Access Toolbox
ytmSampleWdfPlotMultiWave - Sample function for WDF read.
ytmSampleWdfPlotSingleWave - Sample function for WDF read.
ytmWdfAccessToolbox - Display information of WDF Access Toolbox
ytmWdfGetData - Get Acquisition Data from Yokogawa WDF file.
ytmWdfGetHistoryCount - Get the number of history.
ytmWdfGetHResolution - Get horizontal axis resolution of waveform history number.
ytmWdfGetHUnit - Get horizontal axis unit of waveform history number.
ytmWdfGetLibName - Get WDF API Library Name from file.
ytmWdfGetLogicBitName - Get logic bit name of waveform trace
ytmWdfGetRecordLength - Get data record size of waveform history number.
ytmWdfGetTraceCount - Get total waveform trace count.
ytmWdfGetTraceName - Get waveform trace name.
ytmWdfGetTriggerDate - Get measuring date of waveform history number.
ytmWdfGetTriggerOffset - Get horizontal axis offset of waveform history number.
ytmWdfGetTriggerTime - Get measuring time of waveform history number.
ytmWdfGetVLowerScale - Get vertical axis lower scale of waveform history number.
ytmWdfGetVUnit - Get vertical axis unit of waveform history number.
ytmWdfGetVUpperScale - Get vertical axis upper scale of waveform history number.

Please use MathWorks Instruments Control Toolbox for instrument control API.

How to Install

Please select WDFAccess.mlappinstall file from MATLAB application tab “Install Application” and install MATLAB WDF Access Toolbox. Or double click WDFAccess.mlappinstall file and install into MATLAB.

The instruction document and sample scripts are included in the file and you can refer them from MATLAB.

PC System Requirements

OS : Windows10(64bit)、Windows11
MATLAB Version : R2015a to R2023a
Note : For some models, it may not be possible to load files that contain Japanese text.

To use this feature, you are required to install a third-party compiler on your system.
Please visit the web page for more detail. 

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