OSA: SMSR Measurement of High-Power O-band Lasers for Optical Transceivers

Optical transceivers are one of the indispensable key devices for optical communications that interconvert optical and electrical signals. There are various types of optical transceivers: SFP, QSFP, 200GbE, 400GbE, and other network standards.

In recent years, optical transceivers have become increasingly high-power to extend communication distance. To accomplish this, the laser in an optical transceiver must have a longer cavity length to achieve high power capability, which causes side mode wavelengths close to the main signal.

This increases the need for high resolution/high dynamic range in SMSR  (Side Mode Suppression Ratio) measurements. The AQ6380, which offers high resolution and wide dynamic range, is the perfect solution for SMSR measurements of  O-band lasers for 400GbE QSFP-DD optical transceivers.

Optical transceivers  becoming higher power

Reasons why engineers choose the AQ6380 monochromator OSA:
Ÿ5 pm high wavelength resolution and 65 dB wide dynamic range
-Side modes in closer proximity due to higher-power lasers can be clearly separated.
ŸHigh-level repeatability
-The AQ6380 is ideal for SMSR measurements as it has excellent stray light suppression performance and does not generate spurious noise*.

*Noise generated due to the measurement principle of the instrument and not contained in the light under test.

Ÿ1200-1650nm wide wavelength range
-A single AQ6380 can cover O-band, C-band, and other band lasers used for optical transceivers.
ŸReasonable price
-The AQ6380 is more affordable than competitive heterodyne OSAs is capable of measuring in the O-Band range with high-resolution

AQ6380 Optical Spectrum Analyzer

AQ6380 Highest Performance Optical Spectrum Analyzer

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