Performance Evaluation and Testing of Home Electronics


Prevention of global warming has become an issue in recent years, and industry is turning more and more toward stricter energy savings policies and the use of renewable energy.
On the consumer end, the selling of Energy Star appliances, the making of energy saving laws, and other measures are being taken to reduce power consumption, and various techniques are being used such as the running of home electronics in energy saving modes. The WT500 can measure such fluctuations in power with unparalelled accuracy.

Overview of Performance Evaluation

WT500 App Note 6

WT500 Display Formats and Settings

Voltage/current/power/harmonics/THD display

WT500 App1 1
Displays voltage, current, and total harmonic distortion (THD) Displays harmonic components of voltage and current (dc-20th)

All-item display

WT500 App1a

All item display screen shows multiple items simultaneously

*Use the WT210 or WT1600 for standby power measurement when the current is around 10 mA or less.

Solution Features

  1. Large current / high voltage measurement
  2. Simultaneous RMS values and DC value measurement
  3. Multi-item screen, waveform and trend display
  4. Integration function
  5. Screen image saving and numeric data saving

WT500 Features

  1. Large current direct input: 40-Arms
  2. High voltage direct input: 1000-Vrms
  3. RMS, MEAN, DC, AC and RMEAN of voltages and currents simultaneously. There is no measurement mode on it.
  4. Displays trends, waveforms, voltage, current, power values, harmonic distortion factor, harmonic components (DC-50th order), and input/output efficiency
  5. Integration of power, reactive power, apparent power, and current enables you to determine a device's average power consumption.
  6. Measurement values can be saved as images or numerical data, and can be pasted into reports, analyzed in spreadsheet software, or used in a variety of other ways.

Related Products & Solutions

WT500 - Mid Range

  • Up to 3 wattmeters
  • 0.1% of rdg + 0.1% of rng
  • DC, 0.1Hz to 100kHz
  • Independent range controls
  • Harmonics to 50th order

Precision Making
