ECOC 2022

Visit us at ECOC 2022: Stand 653

With optical communications offering the high capacity that growing amounts of traffic demand, ECOC 2022 offers the chance to see some Yokogawa products that meet these needs. One of these products is the Yokogawa AQ6380 Optical Spectrum Analyzer. As Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) brings telecommunication channels closer, the AQ6380 offers optical wavelength resolution down to 5 picometers (pm), allowing developers to easily separate measure optical signals.

Once those optical links are in place, they need to be maintained, which is the role of our range of optical time domain reflectometers or OTDRs. These precision instruments are used to locate events or faults along a fiber link, typically within an optical communications network. We offer two levels of instrument - an entry level designed for local last mile testing and a more advanced version that can test the network all the way from the provider’s core to the subscriber’s home.

See these advanced optical test solutions at the Yokogawa stand 653 at ECOC 2022.

Dates: sept. 19 - 21, 2022
Venue: ECOC | Booth 653

Related Products & Solutions

AQ6380 Highest Performance Optical Spectrum Analyzer 1200 - 1650 nm

AQ6380 OSA: 5 pm high wavelength resolution, ±5 pm accuracy, 65 dB wide close-in dynamic range, 80 dB high stray light suppression

Optical Spectrum Analyzer

  • Optical Spectrum Analyzer to measure and display power distribution of an optical source
  • Optical analyzer trace displays power in vertical scale and wavelength in horizontal scale

Precision Making
