How can I Improve the Signal Quality of the G3 Frequency Function on the DL850 Scopecorder?

For the DL850 Scopecorder G3 Frequency Function, you will need to set the hysterisis of the edges that are used to detect the periods. This will increase the tolerance for noise and improve measurement reliability.

To configure the hysteresis for the frequency function on the DL850, follow the procedures listed below.

  1. Press one of the CH1 to CH16 keys to select the source channel
  2. Press the RealTime Math soft button to select ON
  3. Press the RealTime Math Setup soft button
  4. Use the Arrow keys and SET button to set the Operation to Frequency
  5. Use the Arrow keys and SET button to set the hysteresis 

Please download and view the attached images to view the different effects of hysteresis on signal quality. 

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