How to Select the Best Data Recording Method for Engineering Projects

Having multiple memory options allows engineering groups to optimize how data is stored, no matter if you need to record for a long time at slower sampling rates, do a fast capture at high sampling rates, or anything in between.

The Yokogawa Test&Measurement DL950 ScopeCorder  operates as an oscilloscope and incorporates the ability to record data for long periods of time like a data acquisition recorder. There are four memory types on the DL950 ScopeCorder: internal memory, solid state drive, flash memory, and PC storage through the IS8000 Integrated Test and Measurement Software Platform. This videos talks about the advantages of each of these and how to pick the best data recording method for you.

How to Select the Best Data Recording Method for Engineering Projects | Yokogawa Test&Measurement

Having multiple memory options allows engineering groups to optimize how data is stored, no matter if you need to record for a long time at slower sampling rates, do a fast capture at high sampling rates, or anything in between. The Yokogawa Test&Measurement DL950 ScopeCorder operates as an oscilloscope and incorporates the ability to record data for long periods of time like a data acquisition recorder. There are four memory types on the DL950 ScopeCorder: internal memory, solid state drive, flash memory, and PC storage through the IS8000 Integrated Test and Measurement Software Platform. This videos talks about the advantages of each of these and how to pick the best data recording method for you. Learn more: DL950 ScopeCorder: DL950 ScopeCorder Firmware IS8000 Integrated Test and Measurement Software Platform Capture & Record High-Speed Data w/10Gb Ethernet Option for Yokogawa Test&Measurement DL950 ________________________________________________________________________ Connect with Yokogawa Test&Measurement on LinkedIn: Meet the Precision Makers Yokogawa has been developing measurement solutions for 100 years and consistently finds new ways to give R&D teams the tools they need to gain the best insights from their measurement strategies. The company has pioneered accurate power measurement throughout its history and is the market leader in digital power analyzers. Yokogawa Test&Measurement instruments are renowned for maintaining high levels of precision and for delivering value far longer than the typical shelf life of such equipment. The Precision Makers of Yokogawa Test&Measurement believe that precise and effective measurement lies at the heart of successful innovation - and has focused its own R&D on providing the tools that researchers and engineers need to address challenges great and small. ________________________________________________________________________ Chapters: 00:00 Introduction 00:16 DL950 Introduction 00:38 Recorder Mode Setup 1:01 Factors effecting how fast and long a recording is 1:59 Types of memory storage 2:10 DL950 internal memory 2:58 Solid state drive recording 3:26 Flash acquisition memory 4:05 PC storage with IS8000 4:33 Conclusion ________________________- GTCLTWOODOU5WEZB

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