700925 Differential Probe 500V / 15 MHz (DISCONTINUED)

Notice: This product was discontinued on Oct 15, 2017.



DC to 15 MHz




Max. Input Voltage
:(to ground)


±1000 V (DC + ACpeak) or 700 Vrms CAT III

Max. Differential Voltage


±500 V (DC + ACpeak) or 350 Vrms at 100:1 attenuation
±50 V (DC + ACpeak) or 35 Vrms at 10:1 attenuation

Probe Power


Internal battery or probe power supply

B9852MJ power cable is sold separately
Work with Oscilloscopes, ScopeCorders

Buy Directly from Newark 

Input attenuation ratio: switch between 1/10, 1/100
Maximum allowed differential voltage:
  ±500V (DC+ACpeak) or 350 Vrms (1/100)
Maximum common mode input voltage:
  ±500V (DC+ACpeak) or 350 Vrms (1/10, 1/100)

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