701924 Differential Probe 25V / 1 GHz



DC to 1 GHz




Max. Input Voltage:(to ground)


±35 V (DC + ACpeak)

Max. Differential Voltage


±25 V (DC + ACpeak)

Probe Power


dedicated probe interface

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What Is a Differential Probe?

Differential probes are a type of oscilloscope probe based on the differential amplification principle. They convert a signal floating between two points into a signal to the ground to observe differential signals.

How To Use Differential Probe 701924

1. Have the probe and a digital oscilloscope with a probe interface ready.
2. Insert the probe interface completely into the oscilloscope input, and confirm that the BNC connector and interface pin are securely fastened. You will hear the latch click when the connectors lock into place.
3. When you connect the probe to a digital oscilloscope with a probe interface, the probe’s attenuation ratio and input coupling are set automatically.
4. Attach any of the provided attachments or attachments that you constructed to the probe head signal input terminals.

  • Bandwidth: DC to 1GHz
  • Attenuation ratio: 50:1
  • Connector Type: BNC Yokogawa Interface
  • Input Resistance: 1MΩ (Ground-level resistance from each input terminal)
  • Input Capacitance: 1.1 pF (Ground-referenced capacitance from each input terminal)
  • Differential Input Resistance: 2MΩ
  • Differential Input Capacitance: 0.6pF
  • Max Operating Input Voltage: +/-35V
  • Max Differential Input Voltage: +/-25V
  • NMax on-Destructive Maximum Input Voltage: +/- 35V (DC + ACpeak, continuous)
  • Cable Length: 1.2m
  • Standard accessories included: Pair leads, Micro-clips, GND lead, Contact tube, Pin with flange, pins, manual and case. (Robust accessories for the in-vehicle test environment )
  • CAN bus
  • FLEXRAY bus
  • Power Supply Noise Test
  • Digital Circuitry Characterization and Test
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